Basswood Lumber

Basswood Lumber

basswood lumber
DESCRIPTION Basswood is creamy-white to a pale pinkish-brown. It has straight grain and a fine, even texture. There is not much contrast between early and late wood zones.
Weight is about 26lbs per cu. ft.
North America
BOTANICAL NAME Tilia Americana
OTHER NAMES American Lime, American Whitewood, American Linden, Whitewood, Lime
MECHANICAL PROPERTIES This wood is light and soft, and as such it is weak. It has poor steam bending characteristics and low strength properties.
WORKING PROPERTIES Works very easily with hand and power tools. It has a low resistance to cutting and only a slight blunting effect on cutters. Nails, screws, and glues well. Can be stained and polished easily.
DURABILITY Non-durable. Logs are susceptible to attack by longhorn beetle. Sapwood susceptible to attack by common furniture beetle. Permeable for preservative treatment.
SEASONING Basswood dries rapidly with little degradation or warping. Small movement.
USES Carving, drawing boards, pattern making, mallet heads, turning, picture framing, toys, constructional veneer and plywood, boxes, and crates.
COMMENTS Being odor free, it is often used for food containers.

Basswood Lumber

janka hardness: 410
For more info on the janka hardness scale CLICK HERE

Basswood Lumber Prices

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