Soft Maple Lumber

Soft Maple Lumber

soft maple lumber
DESCRIPTION Soft maple is creamy white and has a straight grain. It is a bit less lustrous than Hard Maple and growth rings are comparatively indistinct. Rays are narrower than in Hard Maple.
Weight varies from about 30lbs to 35lbs per cu. ft.

North America

OTHER NAMES Silver Maple, Pacific Maple, Oregon Maple
MECHANICAL PROPERTIES Medium bending and crushing strength. Low stiffness and resistance to shock loads. Considered good for steam bending.
WORKING PROPERTIES Can be worked fairly well with hand and power tools, although has moderate dulling effect on cutters. Takes nails satisfactorily with care. Gluing results vary. Can be stained and polished to excellent finish.
DURABILITY Heartwood is non-durable and susceptible to insect attack. Moderately resistant to preservative treatment, but sapwood is permeable.
SEASONING Dries slowly with little degradation or problems. Small movement.
USES Suitable for furniture, joinery, domestic flooring, dairy and laundry equipment, sporting goods, turning, paneling, plywood, veneering.
COMMENTS Selected stock is rotary cut for Bird's Eye Maple veneer.

Soft Maple Lumber

janka hardness: 950
For more info on the janka hardness scale CLICK HERE

Soft Maple Lumber Prices

4/4 Ambrosia Maple Lumber

Starting From $3.50

4/4 Soft Maple - #1 Lumber

Starting From $3.00

8/4 Ambrosia Maple Lumber

Starting From $3.95
> All Prices Are Subject To Change Without Notice <

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