Ash Lumber

Ash Lumber

ash wood
DESCRIPTION Ash has a pronounced grain, the sap wood is creamy white, the heartwood is a grayish brown, the grain is coarse and interlocked.
Weight ranges from about 35lbs to 41lbs per cu. ft.
North America
BOTANICAL NAME Fraxinus Americana
OTHER NAMES White Ash, Green Ash, Red Ash, Black Ash, Brown Ash
MECHANICAL PROPERTIES Bending properties vary, but are generally very good. It has good strength, toughness, stiffness and hardness for it's relatively light weight.
WORKING PROPERTIES Moderate blunting effect on cutters, but can be worked fairly well with hand or power tools. Pre-drilling required for nailing in the harder Ashes. Stains, glues and polishes well.
DURABILITY Ash is non-durable and perishable. The sapwood is susceptible to attack by powder post and common furniture beetles. Heartwood is moderately resistant to preservative treatment and sapwood is permeable.
SEASONING Dries rapidly with little degradation. Small movement.
USES White Ash is used extensively in sporting goods, bats, oars, pool cues, tool handles, cabinet work, high-class joinery, plywood, paneling and veneer.
COMMENTS Since the late 1990s ash has been under attack from an invasive insect from Asia. The emerald ash borer has been decimating the species. The species as a whole is in decline and may be extinct within 20 – 30 – years

Ash Lumber

janka hardness: 1320
For more info on the janka hardness scale CLICK HERE

Ash Lumber Prices

> All Prices Are Subject To Change Without Notice <

Additional Photos

ash lumber
front view
Above: Ash wood bookcase/fireplace surround built by Rob Pelc.  Ash is similar to Red Oak just lighter in color.  It also has a more pronounced cathedral grain pattern.

Do You Have Tips or Techniques For Ash Lumber? Leave them BELOW.

Tips or Techniques

Tips & Techniques From Our Expert Customers

Tommy Jr. says:

The Ash Wood fireplace / bookcase that is shown above is absolutely BEAUTIFUL. I would love to upgrade the fireplace in my living room to solid ash wood. Thanks for the great ideas! You guys never fail to stir up my imagination…

Al says:

Species: White Ash Lumber
Also great for rockers on Rocking horses won't crack (like oak (has a tendancy too))!


Terry says:

Species: Ash [Brown or White] makes excellent longbows.

Tom R says:

Species: Ash Its great for making toboggans to!


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