Our customers are proof of our commitment to excellence.
Want to tell us what you think of Advantage? Do you have pictures of your deck, or lumber project you want to share with us? We might feature your story and pictures on our website! >
The "Everything" Deck: Relax, Cook, Entertain

Project Description: Low Maintance Ipe Deck in a Wooded Backyard
Location: Glen Arm, MD
Testimonial: Our customer wanted a low maintance deck that would keep the natural open feel of his wooded back yard. We used Ipe lumber, hidden fasteners and oil for the finish. The project melts into the wooded setting. The owner loved it, the wood is never hot to touch. We sealed the project twice when it was finished in the summer of 2009 and it still looks great. If you are using Ipe for the first time remember to add extra labor for things like painting the ends of all the cuts with sealer and having to pre-drill and plug any screws. Working with Ipe was great! What a beautiful wood! We heard a lot about how hard it is and how it dulls tools, we used good carbide blades on our saws and never changed a blade. Ipe cuts like a dream, we only finely sanded the hand rail and nothing else. Advantage Lumber supplied us with all the lumber, all the materials needed to install the deck. The customer service, ordering and shipping was super. ~ Larry R.
Check out additional IPE DECKING PICTURES >
Screened Florida Pool Deck Reimagined

Project Description: Versatile Cumaru Decking being used in a Florida screened in pool room.
Location: Florida
Testimonial:AdvantageLumber.com over 8 or 9 months was extremely helpful… I would definitely recommend AdvantageLumber.com. They are very helpful and the wood quality and the shipping and everything was on time. (Direct quote from the above video) ~ Peter A.
All Season "Outdoor" Retreat

Project Description: Tigerwood Screened Porch
Location: Raleigh, NC
Testimonial: Photo is our screen porch with Tigerwood (T&G Porch Decking) from your company last month. It is gorgeous! ~Jeannie M.
Check out additional TIGERWOOD PICTURES >
Garapa Decking Provides the Perfect Outdoor Space

Project Description: Advantage Garapa Used For Outdoor Expansion Project
Location: Anderson, SC
Testimonial: We were given several choices of decking and the Garapa from AdvantageLumber.com was far and above the best! ...because we wanted to bring the outdoor onto our house and have it flow with the stone… with the trees and the grass… and that's the one that fit the best. ~Ruth D.
Check out additional GARAPA PHOTOS AND VIDEOS >
Personal Outdoor Oasis

Project Description: Poolside Cumaru Deck
Location: Miami (Kendall), FL
Testimonial: Photo is of Cumaru Deck in the Kendall area. ~ Jorge B.
Check out additional CUMARU PICTURES >
Perfect Combo: Security & Style

Project Description: Ipe Entry Gate and Fence
Location: Santa Barbara, California.
Testimonial: The fence was built out of 2x3 IPE stud/plate with 1x2 IPE horizontals and a 2x6 IPE beveled cap. All attachments were plugged and doweled. The gate used 4x6 IPE stiles with 1x4 IPE lap siding. All of the materials supplied by Advantage Lumber were consistent in color and milling. ~ Bill M.
Check out additional IPE PICTURES >
California Canyon + Ipe Deck = Dream Getaway

Project Description: Ipe Deck in a Picturesque California Canyon
Location: Malibu, California
Testimonial: Located in , CA. 1 mile from the Pacific Ocean. Being located in a canyon just up from the ocean, we experience a variety of weather throughout the day. From early morning fog to heat from the mid-day sun to quick drops in temp from the coastal breezes. We choose IPE for it's strength, durability and beauty. The deck turned out amazing. We love it. ~ Craig R.
Check out additional IPE PICTURES >
Best of Both Worlds

Project Description: Ipe Deck & Sunroom
Location: Islip, NY
Testimonial: We love our new deck. We used the IPE on the deck and in the sunroom. ~ Ed M.
Check out additional IPE PICTURES >
Innovative Use of Our Hardwood Decking

Project Description: Ipe & Tigerwood Table
Location: Malibu, California
Testimonial: The Customer had a vacation home in the Catskill Mountains NY and wanted to upgrade the patio. He requested something that was "Unique and visually pleasing" The table is made of Ipe and Brazilian tigerwood. It is made in 3 parts to allow for moving (it weights 423 lbs) as a truck can't get anywhere near the patio. The top was designed on a computer and a template was cut out of ½' MDF on a CNC machine. The organic shapes were created by edge gluing 2x6 Ipe boards then planned them down to ¾". The space for the organic shapes, were then routed out using a hand router. Everything is glued with epoxy and screwed in small pieces to allow for movement. The finish is Ipe Oil. ~ Gustav P.
Check out additional TIGERWOOD PICTURES >
It's the Attention to Details that Count MOST

Project Description: Ipe Siding
Location: Brooklyn, New York
Testimonial: This is a new 6 unit condo building in Brooklyn, NY. I used the 5" ipe siding as an accent feature on the façade and the 3" ipe siding for the entry/vestibule ceiling. I get a lot of comments on the looks/design of the building and without fail the ipe is everyone's favorite feature. I am very happy with the results and it was a pleasure working with your company on this. Great product and great service. Thanks! ~ Richard, R
Find Out More About IPE SIDING >
Tigerwood Transformation: Before & After

Project Description: Tigerwood Deck Rennovation
Location: Ledyard, CT
Testimonial: Removed 20 years old PT (painted pressure treated lumber) deck replaced with tigerwood (decking), huge improvement! ~ Ron C.
Check out additional TIGERWOOD PICTURES >
We Want to Hear From You...
Want to tell us what you think of Advantage? Do you have pictures of your deck, or lumber project you want to share with us? We might feature your story and pictures on our website! Submit your testimonial and photos to Advantage here.