Our Florida location is stocked with a full line of outdoor hardwood decking.We have long length hardwood decking in stock ready to be shipped to your home or jobsite.
Florida Lumber Mill
Our Florida facility manager, David James, giving detailed instructions to our milling staff.Milling Ipe decking.Florida mill workers processing a decking order. Here a mill worker uses a straightliner to cut a board to a specified custom dimension.Another shot of the straightliner in our Florida facility.Our Florida molder operator milling an Ipe decking order.Our Florida facility has the finest European wood working equipment to process orders to exact customer specifications.
Cutting Wood Slabs
Logs ready to be processed at our Florida lumber mill.Transporting logs to be processedCutting wood slabsOur large lumber mill cutting a log.Preparing a log for milling.Here is a log that has been cut on our large Woodmizer, WM1000.Cleaning off saw dust from a freshly cut log.Our Small mill cutting logs up to 36″.Our large mill cutting logs up to 67″. In this photo a Monkey Pod log is being milled.Here our large mill is cutting a Eucalyptus Log. Shop Our Eucalyptus Lumber »Our vacuum kiln with wood slabs about to be dried.A log being transported to our lumber mill to get milled.
Florida Lumber Kilns
Large lumber kiln at our Florida facility.Loading our lumber kiln.Loading our lumber kiln with another load of hardwood lumber.Vacupress 2000 - Vacuum kiln.