Cherry Lumber

Black Cherry Lumber

cherry lumber
DESCRIPTION Cherry heartwood varies from rich red to reddish-brown. The sapwood is white.  It has a fine, straight grain with narrow brown pith flecks and small gum pockets. It has a smooth texture.
Weight is about 36lbs per cu. ft.
North America
BOTANICAL NAME Prunus Serotina
OTHER NAMES Black Cherry, American Cherry, Wild Cherry, Cabinet Cherry
MECHANICAL PROPERTIES Medium strength. Good bending characteristics. Low stiffness and medium shock resistance.
WORKING PROPERTIES Works easily with hand and power tools. Moderate blunting effect on cutters. Nails, glues, and stains well. Polishes to an excellent finish.
DURABILITY Moderately durable. Sapwood is susceptible to attack by common furniture beetle. Heartwood is moderately resistant to preservative treatment.
SEASONING Dries rapidly with little degradation if care is taken to avoid moderate shrinkage during seasoning. Medium movement.

Furniture, cabinetmaking, flooring, high-class joinery, boat interiors, tobacco pipes, paneling, and veneer. Excellent turning and carving wood.

Great lumber for use as hardwood flooring.

COMMENTS It is widely held in fine furniture making circles that one does not stain Cherry!

Black Cherry Lumber

janka hardness: 950
For more info on the janka hardness scale CLICK HERE

Black Cherry Lumber Prices

4/4 Black Cherry Lumber

Starting From $5.20

4/4 Black Cherry - #1 Lumber

Starting From $3.00

6/4 Black Cherry Lumber

Starting From $5.40

8/4 Black Cherry Lumber

Starting From $6.40

S4S 2x10 Cherry Board

Starting From $10.42

S4S 2x12 Cherry Board

Starting From $11.47
> All Prices Are Subject To Change Without Notice <

Additional Photos

cherry wood bed frame
Bed frame built from Cherry Lumber

Above: Solid, curved Cherry Bed built by Rob Pelc.  Mortise and tenons where pegged with black walnut for accents.  Cherry wood has a very contrasting white sapwood which can be seen in the project.  Some craftsman choose to eliminate the sapwood, but it decreases the yield. Instead it was chosen here to use it as part of the design.

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