Brazilian Redood (Massaranduba)

Brazilian Redwood Lumber
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DESCRIPTION | The heartwood of Brazilian Redwood is usually a brownish-red color and features shades of purple similar to Purpleheart, Peltogyne pubescens, but Manilkara bidentata should not be confused with this totally separate species of lumber. |
BOTANICAL NAME | Manilkara bidentata |
OTHER NAMES | Maçaranduba, Acana, Aus, Ausabo, Balata, Balata franc, Balata gomme, Balata rouge, Beefwood, Bolletri, Bolletrie, Bulletwood, Chicozapota, Macaranduba, Maparajuba, Massarandu, Nispero, Pamashto, Paraju, Quinilla colorada, Red balata |
SEASONING | The color of this wood darkens with exposure to UV light and ages to a rich brown color over time. |
COMMENTS | Typically in areas where it is grown locals often refer to Brazilian Redwood as “bulletwood” for its extremely hard wood. The lumber is so dense that is does not float in water! |
Brazilian Redood (Massaranduba) Lumber Prices
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