Ipe Decking & Siding in Cyprus
Featured Projects - From Across the World to your Backyard
Ipe Decking & Siding
As an international lumber exporter, Advantage Lumber, LLC provides exotic hardwoods to all corners of the world. This project in the Republic of Cyprus is just one example of the premium grade material and excellent customer service that we provide.

Cyprus is one of the largest island countries in the Mediterranean Sea. With many hills and rolling terrain, the homes in Cyprus have to use materials that are dependable. So, when Mr. Christoforou called us with an order for both ipe decking and siding, we were excited to be a part of this wonderful home's construction.

Mr. Christoforou chose ipe because it was a perfect fit for the country's moderate climate. In temperate conditions, the owners of this 3500 foot high hillside home can expect their ipe deck and siding to last 75+ years.

When the containers arrived in the city of Limassol, Nikos contacted us right away to "tell you that IPE is just perfect."

Discover more about Ipe Siding & Ipe Decking.
Advantage Lumber, LLC ships hardwood decking, flooring, lumber to all corners of the world.
Learn more about our Wholesale Lumber Export service.