Laurel Oak


Common Names
Laurel Oak
Scientific Name
Quercus laurifolia
Southeastern United States
Has a light to medium reddish-brown color, though there can be a fair amount of variation in color. Conversely, White Oak tends to be slightly more olive-colored, but is by no means a reliable method of determining the type of oak. Has medium-to-large pores and a fairly coarse grain.
Avg. Dried Weight
46 lbs/ft3 (740 kg/m3)
Janka Hardness
1210 lbf
Modulus of Rupture
14,330 lbf/in2 (98.8 MPa)
Elastic Modulus
1,793,000 lbf/in2 (12.37 GPa)
Crushing Strength
6,980 lbf/in2 (48.1 MPa)
Radial: 4.0%, Tangential: 9.9%, Volumetric: 19.0%, T/R Ratio: 2.5
Red oaks such as Laurel Oak do not have the level of decay and rot resistance that White Oaks possess. Durability should be considered minimal.
Easy to glue, and takes stain and finishes very well.

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