Java Plum Specs

Scientific Name
Syzygium cumini
Common Name(s)
Malabar plum, Java plum, black plum, jamun or jambolan
Southeast Asia, including Myanmar, Sri Lanka, and the Andaman Islands
Java plums are myrtles. They are in the same family as guavas, feijoas, and allspice. Java plum wood is water-resistant if it is dried in a kiln. Historically, this made it useful for housings for the motors used to operate wells, and lining sleeper cars in trains. It can be used to make furniture, but it’s hard to work. Java plum leaves smell like turpentine, and make good livestock fodder. The flesh of the fruit leaves an astringent, puckery sensation in the mouth, but can be quite sweet. Java plum fruit attract civet cats and jackals in India. In Australia, Java plum fruit is a favorite food of the flying fox, a large bat. Common Uses For The Fruit Java Plum Uses Java plum fruit are a unique taste experience for people who have not encountered them in Asia or in frozen form in Indian markets in the USA. Java Plums have anti-diabetic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, anti-allergenic, liver-protective, and cholesterol-lowering compounds; including Java plums in your diet is likely to be supportive of recovery from these conditions. Java plum has been used in diabetes diets for over 135 years. One of the interesting experiences you may have biting into a fresh Java plum is pain relief. The eugenol found in Java plums (like their close plant relative, the plum tree) is a mild topical anesthetic. Just as you might put oil of cloves on an aching tooth (it’s available in drug stores), you can get relief from pain in the mouth and gums by eating Java plums. In Hindu mythology, Krishna is said to have four symbols of the Java plum on his right foot. The leaves and fruit of the plant are used in ceremonies venerating Ganesha, the elephant-headed god, the patron bankers, intellectuals, authors, and scribes. In Maharashtra, the second most heavily populated state in India, Java plum blooms are used to decorate pandas, the canopy over which couples say their wedding vows.

Java Plum Turning Blank Prices

3″ x 3″ x 12″ Java Plum Turning Blank


3″ x 5″ x 5″ Java Plum Turning Blank


3″ x 6″ x 6″ Java Plum Turning Blank


3″ x 8″ x 8″ Java Plum Turning Blank


4″ x 5″ x 5″ Java Plum Turning Blank


5″ x 5″ x 5″ Java Plum Turning Blank


5″ x 6″ x 6″ Java Plum Turning Blank


4″ x 6″ x 6″ Java Plum Turning Blank


4″ x 8″ x 8″ Java Plum Turning Blank


1.5″ x 1.5″ x 12″ Java Plum Turning Blank


1.5″ x 1.5″ x 18″ Java Plum Turning Blank


2″ x 2″ x 12″ Java Plum Turning Blank


2″ x 5″ x 5″ Java Plum Turning Blank


2″ x 6″ x 6″ Java Plum Turning Blank


2″ x 8″ x 8″ Java Plum Turning Blank


5″ x 8″ x 8″ Java Plum Turning Blank


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