Cumaru Decking Information
Everything you need to know about Cumaru Decking.

Cumaru Decking Specifications
Cumaru Decking Technical Info

Cumaru Deck With A Fireplace
Cumaru Decking Specs
Botanical Name: Dipteryx Odorata
Common Name: Cumaru
Other Common Names: Almendrillo, Brazilian Teak, Tonka, Tonquin Bean
General Characteristics: Color varies from a golden tan to a reddish brown with some dark grain accents through out the wood.
Moisture Content of Decking: Our Cumaru Decking is specially dried for use on exterior projects.
We also sell Cumaru lumber kiln dried specifically for interior use. DO NOT use kiln dried interior lumber in exterior projects as it will expand. Cumaru Decking dried for exterior use will shrink inside.
Janka side hardness: 3,540 lb at 12% moisture content.
Bending Strength: 10,975 psi
Drying: Cumaru is rated as easy to air-season with a slight tendency to check and with moderate warping; drying was uniformly rapid.
Working Properties: Has a blunting effect on cutters, use of carbide tipped saw blades is necessary. Routs nicely. Must be predrilled for fastening.
Distribution: South America
Durability: Cumaru is very durable. The heartwood has shown to be very durable in resistance to both brown-rot and white rot fungi. The wood has excellent weathering characteristics.
Uses: Outdoor Decking, flooring, cogs and shafts, heavy construction, barge and dock fenders, railroad crossties, pulp mill equipment, tool handles, bearings, turnery. A substitute for lignum vitae.
How Does Cumaru Compare to Ipe Decking?
Many people are surprised by how similar Cumaru is to Ipe in terms of strength, durability, and longevity. Aside from the fact that Cumaru is lighter in color compared to Ipe decking, the major difference between these two exotic hardwoods is cost. Want to learn more? Check out this very informative video on the benefits of Cumaru Decking over Ipe.

Compare Cumaru to Other Types of Wood Decking
Compare the available decking woods. Read the following comparison and then give us a call (1.877.232.3915). By any measure (hardness, strength, durability, appearance), our Cumaru Decking is clearly the superior decking material across the board. Don't take our word for it, ask for a sample. Our Cumaru Decking speaks for itself! All Cumaru decking is not the same. Our mills in Brazil cut only the finest logs for our decking production. We stock Cumaru Decking boards up to 20 foot long!!!
Click here for the Cumaru Decking online price list.
Cumaru Decking
Douglas Fir
Pressure Treated Pine
California Redwood
Western Cedar
Philippine Mahogany
Span Chart for Cumaru Decking
Nominal Dimension | Finish Dimension | Joist Spacing |
1x4 | 3/4" x 3 1/2" | 16" |
1x6 | 3/4" x 5 1/2" | 16" |
5/4x6 | 1" x 5 1/2" | 24" |
2x6 | 1 1/2" x 5 1/2" | 32" |
Note: Cumaru is a very strong material. The joist spacing shown is very conservative and designed to pass most area building codes and to have nearly zero deflection under standard loads. The joist spacing shown is also valid if the decking is laid in a diagonal pattern to the joist. The spans shown are typically used even with heavy loads such as hot tubs.
Find Out More About Cumaru
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