Advantage Tours - Brazilian Lumber Mill
Hello and Welcome to Our Tour!

We are now traveling along the beautiful Brazilian coastline.

Brazil has many awe-inspiring nature scenes.

Here, in the forground we see a Brazilian boat, and in the background we see fresh cut trees waiting to get milled.

In this photo we see Brazilian trucks transporting lumber to and from the mill.

That's me, Rob Pelc, in front of some Ipe logs before they are milled.

10:30 am
That's me again, in front of more ipe logs.

We are now inside the Brazilian Ipe Mill.

These are the Ipe logs inside the mill waiting to get milled.

This is an Ipe log getting milled from its raw form.

Here are some mill workers feeding Ipe boards into a finishing machine.

This is Ipe Tongue & Groove Flooring that is almost ready to be shipped.

Here is another area of the mill where Ipe is being air-dried.

Finally, this is me, Rob again, standing next to some ipe bundles that are ready to be shipped.